In today's climate of growing environmental awareness and rising energy prices, saving energy is more important than ever. Join us and Danlers to discuss a range of energy saving lighting controls and ecosystems.
Join us on 27th September at our head office in Cardiff for another insightful breakfast morning with Metpro. Discuss the Demon Cato innovations range and Metpro's full product offering. On the day offers available.
A masterclass in electric heating, hosted by LH Evans. See Rointe's efficient electric heating systems, chat to the expert team and discover why Rointe provides the perfect heating, at the right time and for the right price.
EnviroVent supplies high quality ventilation products to the building industry, serving the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Their extensive product range includes easy to install mechanical extract, Positive Input Ventilation and MVHR systems, all fully complying with current building regulations. Come down to our Cardiff branch and have a chat to Enrivovent about your ventilation requirements.
Make sure to pop by our Crumlin branch in October when we are hosting our next #lhevans #breakfastmorning. Whether it’s heating options for your home, office, hotel or flat, Rointe provides technologically advanced, energy-efficient electric heating systems that create comfortable properties without excessive consumption or unnecessary costs. On the day offers and bacon rolls are guaranteed!